PDF document management and optical character recognition (OCR) software
The over-use of print and the expensive waste of paper and ink is a recurrent theme in the way companies manage their print resources. This isn’t helped by the way many service solutions build waste into the deal offered to businesses.
Indeed, according to a 2010 Centre for Economics & Business Research study, companies which outsource their print management end up printing up to a fifth more than they need to in order to meet their ‘cost effective’ deal’s volume requirements.
At UTL, we offer a very different deal.
To start with, we would encourage you to switch to digital document output as this both saves on the cost of materials (paper, ink and postage) and improves productivity (the immediacy of sharing files over a network or via email).
By simply scanning files and saving them in the universally-accepted PDF file format, you can speed up the creation, editing, manipulation and signing of documents – all while increasing security.
Sensitive information can easily be deleted from PDF files, which can also be password- protected and encrypted. This means you can share your documents with just the people who need to see them, in a matter of seconds. Even if your files get into the wrong hands, the PDF is useless without the password.
PDFs: editable and word searchable
But using PDFs doesn’t only dispense with the need for the laborious, costly and slow process of mailing out documents for sharing, editing, redacting and final approval. As well as being secure, they’re also fully editable and word searchable. And when you perform a word search, you can include one or more PDF files in one go and get the results almost instantaneously. Try doing that with a collection of paper print-outs.
The format is even flexible enough to enable users to quickly and accurately annotate content via speech-recognition software, therefore removing the need for typing. Being digital files, you can always access them via your server or via the cloud. What’s more, the system can also output fully-formatted conversions from PDF files to Microsoft Word and Excel documents, so you can return to your normal office document formats whenever you need to.
Though the PDF format is free and universally accepted, the software to create and edit PDFs is installed as standard on fewer than 10% of PCs, according to the Total Document Costs Report from the All Associates Group in 2010.
UTL can help you save valuable time by helping you transition to a digital file system. And we’ll help you combine different types of documents into a single, editable PDF by simply ‘dragging and dropping’.
In short, we’ll help you cut out the slow, inefficient and expensive paper chase.