Invoice Processing Solutions

Invoice processing

A fast and efficient office accounts system is critical to a healthy business. Speedy access to sales and purchase data not only provides a real-time overview of outstanding liabilities, invoice status and cashflow position, but also enables business owners to make properly-informed planning and forecasting decisions.

Efficient accounting systems are the backbone of responsive organisations. Simply having accurate data available to hand in a timely manner reflects well on a company. It improves customer and supplier relationships at a stroke. It means you can quickly resolve queries, data errors and invoice discrepancies before they turn into payment disputes and late payment penalties.

By contrast, companies which still rely on paper-based processes face an increased risk of data errors and delays, and the associated reputational damage this can bring.

Cutting invoice-processing times

We can help companies minimise their accounts payable costs by cutting invoice processing times by up to 42%. We seek to achieve this through the automation and optimisation of invoice receipts, validation and approvals.

Our approach to rationalising processes also allows companies to be more certain about timescales and removing bottlenecks, while enhancing performance on their compliance and audit responsibilities – as laid out, for example, by the BSI BIP 0008 and HMRC electronic document retention guidelines.

Automation has many benefits. It reduces the time staff spend on data entry while improving accuracy. It cuts the number of lost invoices by as much as two thirds, and ensures the prompt availability of account documentation for query dispute resolution and audit. These benefits will not only reflect well on your organisation, but can also free staff from laboriously entering data to focus on more productive revenue-generation and customer-service work.

In other words, by helping you cut your invoice-associated risks and costs, we’ll help your company focus on pursuing new opportunities.